The Original Constitution was written after the inception of the DESG in 1979.
1st Update: 1996
2nd Update: 1999
3rd Update: 2005
4th Update: 2009
In order to respect EASD recommendations for the study groups the constitution will be revised in 2014 and submitted to the general assembly in 2015
Point 1.
The Study Group shall be known as the Diabetes Education Study Group (DESG)of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
Point 2.
The aim of the DESG shall be to improve the quality of life of the diabetic patient through the development and evaluation of educational programmes designed to foster independence for the patient, improve the quality of metabolic control, emphasise the importance of prevention and early recognition of the disease, and encourage relevant research. In the pursuit of these aims, the DESG intends to organise occasional meetings of its members and invited guests.
Point 3.
Membership of the DESG shall be limited to persons actively involved in the education of diabetic patients. Applicants must be endorsed by two active members.
A) General Committee
- The General Committee shall consist of not more than two members per European country (including the Mediterranean region), each member having a mandate of three years. Members shall not be eligible for immediate re-election, except in the event that a retiring member has been nominated for election as an Officer of the DESG [see para 4(b)]. In this case, that member may serve on the General Committee for a second consecutive term.
- In order to facilitate the administration of the Study Group, elections to fill the vacancies arising each year shall be held by the General Committee during the year in which the new members are to take office. Each retiring member must propose his successor before the end of his mandate. In the event that no successor is proposed, the Honorary Secretary is to send a reminder to the retiring member. Any DESG member may propose a candidate for election to the General Committee and this proposition should be sent in writing before 1 May to the Honorary Secretary and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate that he/she is willing to serve. In the event that an insufficient number of proposals has been received, or in order to ensure appropriate geographical representation on the General Committee, the Executive Committee retains the right to make additional nominations, with the written consent of the nominee.
- The General Committee shall meet at least once a year, possibly on the occasion of the annual EASD Meeting. Decisions may be made by correspondence.
- A quorum of the General Committee shall be nine persons.
- Each member of the General Committee is entitled to one vote. In the event of a tie vote, the Presiding Officer shall have a second, or casting, vote
B) Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of a President, a President-Elect, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer (hereafter referred to as « the Officers ») and three additional members, elected by the General Committee from amongst its membership, consisting of at least one specialist in education and two other members from other specialities such as nursing, nutrition, psychology, sociology, etc. The President-Elect will become President upon completion of a three-year term in office. The Executive Committee shall consist of a minimum of seven members, but will not exceed nine members. One member of the Executive Committee, either from the Officers or the additional members should assume the position of Director of Educational Strategies. Members of the Executive Committee should all be EASD members.
- In order to establish the essential continuity of the initial development of the DESG, the order of retirement of the Officers shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Thereafter, the term of office shall not be more than four years. Under special circumstances, a prolongation of the mandate shall be decided upon by the Executive Committee. Member shall not be eligible for immediate re-election.
- The Executive Committee shall meet as often as necessary, and may make decisions by correspondence. Each member of the Executive Committee has one vote. In the event of a tie vote, the Presiding Officer shall have a second, or casting, vote
- A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be five persons.
- In the event of a vacancy arising amongst the Officers or ordinary members of the Executive Committee, the vacancy shall be filled by action of the General Committee at the unexpired term of office.
Point 5.
The Officers and other members of the Executive Committee shall act as the co-ordinating body of the DESG in an advisory capacity to the parent body. In addition, the Executive Committee of the DESG shall be responsible for organising occasional meetings and workshops of the Study Group, initiating programmes of research, establishing standards and criteria for educational programmes for diabetics, and assessing literature and visual-aid programmes, etc., in the diabetes education field.
Point 6.
The DESG aims to be self-supporting and will consult with the Honorary Treasurer of the EASD in situations where a conflict of interests may arise.